But how exactly do they accomplish that? What does it take to look around you, realize some things are simply never going to change and to be okay with that and simply carry on?
So what now? Where do we go from here?
Make a plan. Think about what you want in life. I mean really think about it. You might not be able to do what you did before, so think about what you can do now. Stop living in the past of what you planned, wanted, or thought you should be doing. Start living in the now- taking in what you can do in this moment. Can you get out of your four walls and do even a little bit of what you’ve wanted to? Cause a little bit is better than none and that is something I am trying to come to terms with right now. I thought if I couldn’t engage in my volunteer work on a full time level then the little bit I could do was simply not enough. But the only person it wasn’t enough for was me. The only person in the way of me doing a little bit of what I loved, was me. There will always be laundry, chores, errands, bills, and unfortunately it appears there will always be this chronic illness in this present life. So how can I live a life I love within those circumstances?
Instead of always comparing my healthy life and my healthy goals to what life is now, I needed to make new goals and plans within my present circumstances. Maybe I can’t be the play-date-every-hour-is-planned-out-with-activities-mom, the full-time volunteer, the shop till you drop girlfriend or the wife that never has to bail on plans for a date with her husband cause she is just too exhausted to function. I had to let those thoughts go once and for all.
Yeah, there will still be plenty of days that surviving is all we can do. Days the pain is going to hurt so bad we will still look back to the past and long for what was before. That can’t be avoided and that is okay. Sometimes our body will trump our mind, it will demand we go back into survival mode to just get to the next day.
Let it shine. Let it out.